Nope. Religious and Atheist should not be included in this list. Ones world view significantly effects their decision making. Government policy, the ecosystem, and the treatment of others is consistently influenced by ones belief system. It’s not good enough to say that everyone is the same. The answer isn’t believing that all people are the same. The answer is in accepting that humans are vastly different. The first step to working together and changing the lives of humans, animals and the earth itself for the better is accepting our differences and working with them. A great quote I’ve heard: “We’re all playing follow the leader but nobody knows who the leader is.” It’s absolutely true. Not a single person knows the answer to life, but we all think there is one. Treating everyone as if they are the same is bigotry.

Someone who believes that murdering their daughter after she has been raped because of a religious belief should not be treated the same as someone who believes that notion is ridiculous. Religious beliefs are not something one is born with the ability to not change.

Being born into a belief system does not justify ones actions.

These people were more than likely born into their religious beliefs and are clearly not respectable based on their actions. Actions which they can justify by citing their religious beliefs in which they were born into. Do you respect them?…/nigeria-schoolgirls…

I get the point of the photo. It says that deep down we are all human and should treat each other with respect. The problem is the labels on the people. In this case grouping labels that one cannot change (such as skin color, sexual orientation) with labels that one has a clear ability to change (religious views) in incorrect. One should never discriminate based on ethnicity or sexual orientation. One should always discriminate based on beliefs and actions. That’s what laws are. It’s not okay to believe that females can not go to school. That notion should be discriminated against among almost every other dogmatic world view. Religion at it’s core is a system of discrimination. It’s tribalism at it’s most effective. Being born into a belief system is far different than being born with a belief.

In layman’s terms. This photo says that people should be respected regardless of their labels. However, respecting someone regardless of their religious beliefs means you end up respecting people that vote against things like gay marriage or in more extreme cases, slit the backs of infants and eat their hearts while they are still bleeding. ( ) You might be a better person than me ( I concede that) and can find a way to respect them regardless of their religiously fueled bigoted actions. I can’t.